I work a few hours a week with a supplement company and we have had an overwhelming response to our Magnesium bisglycinate which is helping children sleep!!! And wouldn't you know it, many of the 'spectrum disorder' symptoms are either drastically reducing or disappearing altogether! Children that have been non-verbal are now starting to speak! Less tics, stimming etc. Better concentration...the list is endless!!

It's been truly fascinating to see the results of magnesium (a crucial mineral that our food and soils are now so depleted in) on children and their sleep - many of whom have now come off pHarma drugs!

Sleep is gold!!!

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Have you tried topical Magnesium spray and compared them. I am interested to know the actual effects as I think the placebo effect can't have as much of an effect on children unless the parents try to convince them. But I guess child testing has even more ethical issues than human or animal testing. 😂

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Scientists don't know why we sleep. There are various theories as to why and our brains or nervous systems are clearly active so it isn't obvious rest or conservation of energy etc. but we obviously benefit hugely from quality sleep. Dreams are also a mystery but that's for another episode. It's another nail in the coffin for "Darwinism" because from a survival standpoint spending a third of the time, and during the period of darkness to boot, completely unable to protect yourself and family from predators does not help the species thrive. At minimum this aspect would have been bred out to as little a time as possible.

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