Just had a much overdue "Plumley Pod binge" today as the opportunity presented itself. I had back-to-back episodes from 75-81 and I am now up to date. Really enjoyed each one.

We have had some challenging behaviour from our 6yr old daughter this year and the techniques we have previously implemented had little to no effect on her and as embarrassing as it is to admit both me and my wife have felt almost powerless against her stubborness. I reiterate SHE IS 6!

It came down to the evening of the "Beacons of light" event 3 weeks ago which was celebrated across the UK to remember 80 since DDay.

As soon as we got to our local beach about a mile away which had the local fraction of the British legion brass band playing Vera Lynn and Dad's Army tunes she began to ignore our requests of not running barefoot in an area where there was a high likelihood of broken glass. When she started attempting cartwheels in dirt and screaming at the top of her lungs I decided enough was enough. In my deepest, boomiest, harshest voice I called out her name. She stopped momentarily then continued to test my resolve with the screaming. I walked up to her picked her up with one hand and took her over to a space away from the crowd. She appeared shocked, upset and embarrassed initially then I saw her break eye contact and look for allies in the crowds. I drew closer to her face re-establishing eye contact and said to her in a low but strong tone. "Oh my girl you are about to find out that I REALLY don't care what anyone thinks of me, I will challenge anyone here who thinks they can shame me for raising my voice. I took her by the wrist and started marching her away with me. I said "I've had enough and I'm taking you home". She cried and pleaded and promised to behave from now on. I ignored her. She pleaded more and I stopped and got in her face again. "I will not be ignored". She said "I won't mess around anymore Daddy, pleeeease!" "What do you say?" I asked. "I'm sorry Daddy" she replied. "Ignore me once more and there won't be another chance" she agreed and her behaviour was acceptable from that moment on. I thought to myself "At least she fears me" which is something I never thought I'd be proud to admit to when I became a Dad. A bit later on a boy who was allowed to play in the dirty sandpit found two large shards of glass.

I acknowledge I did react when I was mad but don't regret my actions that day.

Has anyone got any other similar stories or what methods of discipline do you implement?

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Simple - GET HER OUT OF THE INDOCTRINATION CENTRE - she's detaching from you a la: Hold on to YOUR Kids! This kind of disrespect for natural authority (parent to child) is bred in schools. Make your wife read the book.

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I was lucky (or unlucky, I'm not sure which) enough to inherit my mums' 'flash of the eyes' look that is able to put a stop to any miscreant behaviour from my boy!

I do notice, certainly when he was younger, that food plays a big role in any acting up so I've always made sure that savoury hearty breakfasts are had so there's no blood sugar dips or spikes!!

And I think it's good to show some controlled anger. You didn't lash out, but she knew you meant it! It's the same reaction when they run out into the road, fear based anger because ultimately we want to keep them safe (and for them to bloody listen to us!😅) Bless her x

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That's a great shout about the breakfast and blood sugar. I'll test to see if it has an effect on her

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I do hang my head in shame with this one! I've known for decades that the system is corrupt, but I did always vote for Scottish independence (like they were ever going to 'allow' that one!) And I felt the moral obligation as a woman to exercise my right to vote - my Suffragette project did win me a prize in Primary 7!!! 😅

But I'm now proud to say I couldn't even tell you the date of the upcoming (s)election, no joke!

I think people like to think they're intellectual and somewhat superior by discussing and espousing the latest policy or (unelected) leader. But miss the fact that it is one big theatre production that has had a longer run than the Mouse Trap!!

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 "..one big theatre production that has had a longer run than the Mouse Trap!!" Oh Susan, I'm stealing that one!! Made me howl. I too was duped by the Suffragette fairy-tale! Those days are gone.

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