The peerless Bob Moran of BoB's CARTOONS returns to The Plumley Pod to discuss his epic cartoon "KOSHER" and the insane reaction to it from prominent, self professed lovers of freedom...
For creating a "perfect slave" one essential things is you have to break their mind with cognitive dissonance. Black is white, up is down, right is wrong. Pure evil.
Much love Bob. What a legend.
Liability shields - "I'm Jewish", "I'm Trans", "I'm Gay", I'm ____ (fill in the blank) are used by predators. Stop being prey.
For creating a "perfect slave" one essential things is you have to break their mind with cognitive dissonance. Black is white, up is down, right is wrong. Pure evil.
Outstanding interview. Well done
Thank you, Gemma. A generous compliment from an outstanding journalist. Much appreciated... Bob's a dream to interview.