Oct 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

Thank you for articulating my gut feeling about Terf Talk Tuesday! Funny enough, I switched off at the mention of her political party and after reading some of the comments in the chat 🤪

To be honest, I trust very few 'truthers' these days and will continue to follow my instinct and concentrate on the practical application of 'education, not indoctrination!!'

Sarah, again, thank you for providing us with actual solutions and accurate information with which to save the future generations. I'll stick with GE TTT, thank you very much!!! 😉

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Thanks Susan, great to know that many Guerrilla Edders feel the same way. What a crazy, mad 'idea' - let's make another political FAKE party. If Laurence Fox is polling sweet FA, what hope has anyone telling any shred of truth got? Politics is our country is undemocratic and a total SCAM!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

Well, my gut unfortunately tells me Mr Fox is another 'actor' put in place to discredit the actual truthers. Too many masonic signs, the suave cigar smoking and the latest police raid all on camera - not the real deal me thinks 😔 But yes, there is no democracy, this is pure communism now!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

It's no coincidence that that goblin Harari is called Noah. Just like "Artificial Intelligence" they cannot create only imitate, and what they are offering is artificial, bogus, counterfeit, Mickey mouse😉.

The one thing the "children of the lie" do well is redefine words and use our good nature to decieve and convince us to choose to adopt this. This lady you talked about happily adopts the offered identy of "TERF" but refuses to call the confused and/or sexual predators what they are, "perverts". Instead she calls them "men". As if I am now grouped in with them. No thanks. I don't accept that offer. And like you Sarah I cannot accept that now in 2023 there are still people out there believing our salvation comes from a vote in a corrupt-by-desugn system. #justcallthemperverts

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Totally agree and have you seen Dr. Jordan Peterson's "ARC"?


Just another 'coincidence', I'm sure. 🙄🙄🙄

So blatantly mooning in our faces and still, so-called "awakening" people believe them(!)

PS. "Dear Posie, do not wear make-up and dresses. #justsaying"

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

She's playing their game with their rules thinking she can win.🤯

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Total delusion... or fraud, either way; I'm out!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

Yes the minute she mentioned a political party, I was gone


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So with you - one doesn't even need to be good at maths to see why this strategy can never work! So frustrating!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Sarah Plumley BA PGCE(Maths)

Spot on Sarah, the plebs will always revert to the path of least resistance every single time when it comes to their childrens education until they consciously realise they're being had by the ever growing Big State.

The sausage factory needs fresh meat to churn out and shape into something that will not think for itself and become a tax resource for their ever growing fiscal deficit. We will no doubt pick up those who want to be awake along the way.

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Well said!

It's those who call themselves awake but still drop little Jonny and Suzie off at the indoctrination centres each morning without even sparing a thought which get my goat!

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