Sarah Plumley
The Plumley Pod
Ep. 37 | The Plumley Pod | Your Digital ID is Already Here

Ep. 37 | The Plumley Pod | Your Digital ID is Already Here


This week, I share my chilling experiences of Digital IDs, Programmable Money, The UK's Social Credit System (no longer a theory), and the bane of everyone's life these days: Customer DIS-service!

That's not to mention being mis-gendered by 'Moses' - God give me strength!


Education, not indoctrination.

Sarah Plumley

Sarah Plumley
The Plumley Pod
Prepare to lift the lid on all things Education not indoctrination! Your voice of reason for Home Education: The Plumley Pod. Hosted by Sarah Plumley BA, PGCE (Maths). Professional Mathematics Teacher, GCSE Maths Examiner, Independent Private Tutor, and Home Education Advocate.