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Signing your name to something is consenting. If you can't sign your name any more what happens to the matter of consent? Consent is everything. Your consent gives people the authority to do what they want to you. There is a war on consent, one of the many examples being why did the WHO slyly change the definition to "Gillick's competency" during the nonsense bringing the age down for children to make their own decisions about medical procedures without their parents imput? Where does it end - they are obsessed about breaking down the boundaries to accessing children. The agenda is very sinister IMHO. It is now actively encouraged for children to go behind their parents backs in matters of pharmaceutical procedures, transgender issues etc. Secrets between subversive adults and children behind the backs of parents are encouraged now. This is an inversion.

If we rid the world of the mindset and ability to physically sign your consent perhaps we are eroding the world of the basic natural law that is nothing can be done to you unless you consent to it. It makes it much easier to force an issue if the physical signature is conveniently removed. Many people have already forgotten that this is the case anyway because the majority thought the quaccines were MANDATORY. Many thought it was perfectly acceptable that your employer gets to dictate you must have the 3 dart finish/the Britney Spears/the quaccine!

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