You don't HAVE to spend Christmas with Lizard People
There were many truly excellent memes produced during the SCAMdemic of 2020-2023 and this is one of my all-time favourites.
It perfectly encapsulates the inversion of our times.
The cRaZy “Conspiracy Theorists” enjoying a traditional Christmas Dinner whilst the “Normal” people were bleaching their broccoli in fear of a flu with a 99.5% (or higher) survival rate and all because the anchor on BBC LIES 24 told them to!
The total lack of Branch COVIDian logic:
If you sit down, you can take your face-diaper off because “the virus” can’t get you.
If you’re eating a sandwich, you can take your muzzle off, so long as you’re sat down.
If you’re having a meal you’re safe from “The RONA” but as for a Scotch Egg… well, that depends on whether or not a Scotch Egg is “legally” classed as a meal.
And on and on their derangement went.
Then, there was the really dark side of the so-called “Normal” people.
they banned the “unvaxxed” from their homes at Christmas
they banned the “untested” from churches and Cathedrals at Christmas
(here in France) they banned the “deplorables” from supermarkets, bars, cafes, restaurants, newsagents and even from outdoor spaces.
With Gutter-Presstitute SCUM like Andrew Neil proclaiming:
“It’s time to punish the unvaxxed!”
How far away were the boxcars to Auschwitz really?
Not so very far, especially in places such as Canada and Australia who literally locked up those whom they suspected may have “the coof”.
So, I’m here to remind you that you do not have to forget nor forgive those who would have gleefully seen the unvaxxed punished (nor especially those who did).
Ditto those who “went along to get along” - do you really think that any of these people would have had the balls to stop the unvaxxed being herded onto the box cars?
These pitiful, spineless wet-jobs were too afraid to take their face-nappy off in Tescos!
My CHRISTmas Message
Is FUCK these sheepleTARDS.
If the FUCKERment had wanted to, all of us brave souls who:
never took a test
never stood 6-feet apart
never wore a mask
never washed our hands with their toxic gels
never took a jab
never bought into the tyranny
would all now have been murdered by the state and/or still in jail/concentration camps.
That is what all of these sheeple would have failed to prevent - let alone stand up against. Hell, some of them were getting off on the prospect of punishing those precious few of us who showed we still have a backbone.
They still can’t apologise
Not only have almost none of us had even a back-handed apology but the sheepleTARDS dare to carry on as though they were right all along… or perhaps as though nothing happened at all during 2020-23.
Well, we have the screenshots of them in their fetching face-diapers for ETERNITY!
And some of us aren’t afraid to use them.
Why should we forgive those who are oblivious to their own darkness?
Was Christ “forgiving” when he whipped the money-changers out of His Father’s temple with a whip fashioned by hand?
Do you think he said “nice” things to those money-lending, usurious crooks as he flogged them?
I don’t.
Forgiving everyone all the time is spineless and certainly does not facilitate learning.
For too long Christians have allowed themselves to be pushed around, abused, mocked and hoodwinked and look at where that has brought us to.
If we’re meant to be as Christ-like as possible, then I advocate for more whipping and less fake “kindness”.
Being a GOOD person is not the same as being a NICE person
This is the crux of the matter.
In order to aim for good, one has to be tough, at times ruthless, undaunted and have the courage of one’s convictions.
Being “nice” is easy and the easy way is never the right way.
The path is vanishingly narrow and the gate is strait.
Dong the right thing is seldom (if ever) easy, that’s how you know what’s right without anyone having to tell you.
You don’t HAVE to spend Christmas with Lizard People
Think of how your children are soaking up all that you do and say as a parent.
Is it good for their development for you to sit there and play happy families “coz Christmas” with family members who would have merrily seen you off to Auschwitz only two Christmas’ ago?
Since when was being two-faced a virtue?
Refusing to indulge the Lizard People and especially their warped delusions of virtue is surely a better example to set for our children.
Being strong, courageous and assertive may not be de rigueur but to be anything else is to lie. At least by omission and this, we know, is no way to live.
Be authentic, fearless and eloquent.
Slide in a few Branch COVIDian comments at dinner, let them know we haven’t forgotten what they did, what they were a part of and that we have now all seen their true (cowardly) colours.
When met with the predictable, lazy weak-ass charge of being a “conspiracy theorist”,
hit them back with:
‘Being a conspiracy theorist is far preferable to being a coincidence theorist’.
Go on, practise your new line a few times in the mirror and when the time comes have the guts to say it.
Copy the meme above, take a screenshot and keep it handy on your phone.
Remind these creatures:
a) of what they DID
b) where it very nearly ended up
Let’s stop apologising for them
The ball’s in their court.
At best, they didn’t agree with the will to “punish the unvaxxed” but be in no doubt that these are not the people who would have stopped it.
They were NEVER going to draw a line and hold it.
If the FUCKERment had said “wear pink pants on your head”, they would have done so.
Remember the banging of the pots and pans “for the NHS” like deranged seals?!
Most of these types still firmly believe that they “did the right thing” - at least those are the lies that they tell themselves.
We do NOT have to participate in their psychosis and I earnestly believe it is wrong to do so.
Being a conspiracy theorist is far preferable to being a coincidence theorist.
So, if you have unbearable family members coming for Christmas, remember:
a) you don’t have to invite them next year
b) they have LOTS to apologise for
c) practise your new line A LOT and USE it
If all else fails, print out the meme above and here’s another priceless gem to casually leave about the coffee table… or, better still, pin it up in the bathroom!
Tough lessons have to be taught and if we’re not going to do the teaching, who will?
To the Branch COVIDians - fuck you.
To everyone else, you have yourself a Very Merry CHRISTmas and all of the best for 2025.
Education, not indoctrination.
Sarah Plumley
Head Teacher, Guerrilla Ed
Expert Examiner GCSE Mathematics
BA, PGCE Secondary (Mathematics), QTS