"War is a racket" according to no less than Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honour recipient! Professor Gloria Moss agrees and, further, warns that voting in the UK General (s)election is a vote for yet more war!
Winning without war website: https://www.winningwithoutwar.org/
Winning without war (YT): https://www.youtube.com/@WinningWithoutWar
Truth University: https://truthuniversity.co.uk/
Email: infotruthuniversity@protonmail.com
Rescue your children: https://www.sarahplumley.com/rescue-your-children/
Education, not indoctrination.
Sarah Plumley
Head Teacher, Guerrilla Ed
Expert Examiner GCSE Mathematics
BA, PGCE Secondary (Mathematics), QTS
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